Acupuncture is proven to be useful in a wide variety of problems specific to women such as irregular menstruation, painful periods, lack of periods, PCOS, pre-menstrual syndrome, menopausal symptoms, recurrent cystitis; combining acupuncture with herbal medicine or homeopathy is even more effective for these condition
Pj Cousin is a full member of the British Acupuncture Council and of the Unified Register of herbal Practitioners
95 Replingham Road, London SW18 5LU
Tel: 07720773890
For a map Click here
Appointment available weekdays only
is one of the oldest and most mysterious form of health care, the first book on this subject is about 2500 years old, and there are indications that the Chinese were already using a crude form of TCM 4000 years ago.
Today, this medical system is widely used in China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea and all around Asia; in China alone there are 2500 hospitals specialising in TCM. This complex medical system is taught in 30 Chinese universities, to thousands of students from 120 different countries.
95 Replingham Road
London SW18 5LU
tel: 020 88751101
For a map Click here
Appointment available Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays