Acupuncture for stress

Acupuncture treatment and Chinese Herbal Medicine consultations in South West London, SW14, SW15, SW18, SW19, Earlsfields, Southfields and Wimbledon

Call 07720773890 now for more information and to book your free 15 minutes consultation
All of us experience stress: often on a daily basis, stress is a more acute problem in large cities, with overcrowding, work and time pressure. In a city we constantly live on a higher level of stimulation and adrenaline, a constant cause of prolonged stress.
often on a daily basis,  this is a normal response to events in our lives that may feel beyond our control. 
If we are healthy and have good coping strategies, the stress is short-lived, we are usually able to recover without too many adverses consequences to our health and well-being. 
However, when the stress is severe, and if it lasts a long time, symptoms become rapidly apparent.
We are reasonably well equipped to react to stressful events. 
At the first sign of a threat, real or perceived, our sympathetic nervous system kicks in and we rapidly experience what is called the “fight or flight” response:
our heart rate increases, our pupils dilate, our digestion temporarily shuts down, directing blood to the brain and our extremities, so that if need be, we can either fight what is threatening us, or turn and run away if the danger is too high.
Unfortunately the stress in our daily life of competition, rushing, feeling of constant insecurity, relentless pressure and deadlines we find ourselves in a constant state of “fight or flight”, or stress. 
Over time, this permanent state of stress takes its toll.  Cortisol, the body’s stress hormone elevates, blood pressure increases, our immune function is suppressed;  soon these symptoms increase and can develop into anxiety, depression, fatigue, digestive problems, tension headaches and many other stress related psychosomatic disorders.

Positive stress (or eustress) is the result of good coping strategies, a creative drive and excellent abilities to manage daily life events and professional activities.
Positive stress enhances well-being and can be harnessed to enhance performance and fuel achievement.
The common symptoms of stress are:

anxiety, sleeplessness, fatigue (including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), reduced resistance to infection leading to frequent colds, coughs, flu; etc; frequent aches & pains back pain, neck and shoulder pains, chest pains and angina-like symptoms, high blood pressure, headaches and migraines, sweating, palpitations, trembling, hormonal problems (disturbed menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhoea, loss of libido, impotence), irritable bowel syndrome  or IBS, skin disorders (such as athlete's foot, eczema, psoriasis, shingles, urticaria), loss of appetite or excessive comfort eating, waking up more tired than when you went to bed, etc

Common psychological symptoms: panic attacks, reactive depression, thoughts of suicide, nervous breakdown, forgetfulness, poor memory, poor concentration, flashbacks and replays, excessive guilt, disbelief and confusion and bewilderment ("why me?", an unusual degree of fear, sense of isolation, insecurity, desperation, etc; acute anxiety.

Behavioural symptoms: tearfulness, irritability, angry outbursts, obsessive behaviour,increased alertness, hypersensitivity (almost every remark or action is perceived as critical even when it is not), sullenness, mood swings, withdrawal, indecision, loss of humour, hyperawareness (acute awareness of time, seasons, distance travelled), nail biting, teeth grinding, tics, increased reliance on stimulants (tannin, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol), or medications such as sleeping tablets, tranquillisers, antidepressants; comfort spending (and consequent financial problems), phobias (especially agoraphobia), etc.

Effects on personality - shattered self-confidence and self-esteem, low self-image, loss of self-worth and self-love
Acupuncture for stress
Acupuncture has an immediate impact on stress: people who have an acupuncture treatment feel immediately more relaxed, and regain a better ability to cope.
Weekly sessions are usually necessary, during the treatment I also review stressful situation with the person, how to cope, respond to difficulties, regain some ability to switch off etc. it is also important to use these sessions to learn and implement good dares management techniques.
Stress has a profound psychosomatic impact, and I use acupuncture, herbal medicine and homeopathy to treat also stress related symptoms such as IBS, insomnia, muscle aches, neck and back problems etc. The combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine or acupuncture and homeopathy is particularly effective in eliminating quickly all the tensions and symptoms associated with stress.

Self help for stress:
Avoid drinking alcohol: drinking is only a short lived stress relief: drinking make stress worst by causing de-hydratation, indigestion, hangover, and lowering your energy
Re-establish heathy routines; got to bed and get up at regular time, eat regular meals, find sometimes for a bit of exercise.

Homeopathy: try Aconite 30 for irrational fears, Arsenicum 30 for anxiety in the evening, gelsemium 30 for anxiety with trembling.
Herbal medicine: among the best remedies for stress and anxiety are: valerian, Kava-Kava, Passiflora, Verbena
Essential oil:
Chamomile, Lavender, mandarin, ylang-Ylang
Acupuncture: a short course of treatment is very effective
In general, acupuncture is believed to stimulate the nervous system and cause the release of neurochemical messenger molecules. The resulting biochemical changes influence the body's homeostatic mechanisms, thus promoting physical and emotionalwell-being. Research has shown that acupuncture treatment may specifically benefit anxiety disorders and symptoms of anxiety by: · Acting on areas of the brain known to reduce sensitivity to pain and stress, as well as promoting relaxation and deactivating the ‘analytical’ brain, which is responsible for anxiety and worry (Hui 2010; Hui 2009); · Improving stress induced memory impairment and an increasing AchE reactivity in the hippocampus (Kim 2011); · Reducing serum levels of corticosterone and the number of tyrosine hydroxylaseimmunoreactive cells (Park 2010); · Regulating levels of neurotransmitters (or their modulators) and hormones such as serotonin, noradrenaline, dopamine, GABA, neuropeptide Y and ACTH; hence altering the brain’s mood chemistry to help to combat negative affective states (Lee 2009; Cheng 2009; Zhou 2008); · Stimulating production of endogenous opioids that affect the autonomic nervous system (Arranz 2007). Stress activates the sympathetic nervous system, while acupuncture can activate the opposing parasympathetic nervous system, which initiates the relaxation response; · Reversing pathological changes in levels of inflammatory cytokines that are associated with stress reactions (Arranz 2007); · Reducing inflammation, by promoting release of vascular and immunomodulatory factors (Kavoussi 2007, Zijlstra 2003); · Reversing stress-induced changes in behaviour and biochemistry (Kim 2009).

Pj Cousin is a full member of the British Acupuncture Council and of the Unified Register of herbal Practitioners

Acupuncture at Cure by Nature
95 Replingham Road, London SW18 5LU

Tel: 07720773890

For a map
Click here

Appointment available weekdays only

practitionner register

Earlsfield herbal medicine

Professional Standard authority

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
is one of the oldest and most mysterious form of health care, the first book on this subject is about 2500 years old, and there are indications that the Chinese were already using a crude form of TCM 4000 years ago.
Today, this medical system is widely used in China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea and all around Asia; in China alone there are 2500 hospitals specialising in TCM. This complex medical system is taught in 30 Chinese universities, to thousands of students from 120 different countries.

Acupuncture at Cure By Nature
95 Replingham Road
London SW18 5LU

tel: 020 88751101

For a map
Click here

Appointment available Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays

Acupuncture London: fertility clinics of acupuncture and complementary medicine at 95 Replingham Road london SW18 5LU